Friday 20 May 2016

May 20

Dear all,
Today I found different secondary students demonstrating and demanding better education. Plus, there are rumors about a possible strike (paro) at university level. Today I'd like you to write about this topic (Education), since it is so important and probably the reason why so many people are in a bad place.Chile needs better and more equal opportunities for all the citizens.
Write about how you feel about this.
Some ideas are:
How do you feel about the educational reform?
How do you think "penguins" have helped in 2006/2011?
Do you think student leaders like G Jackson, C Vallejos, G Boric are trying to make a difference for education today?
Do you think strikes(paros) and demonstrations(marchas) are the only way to obtain changes?

Write a comment on my blog and 190 words. Write 2 comments on your classmates' blogs.


  1. the university level is doped not only with classical drugs and alcohol but rather with the all screens that "represent" the love, happiness, sadness, fury, intelligence, and other things that deform our natural condition in a natural world? haha George Orwell has reason. see ya!

  2. the topic of education in chile is very polemical

  3. I agree with you, and I think is necessary emphasize in the concept "equity" over "equality" c:
