Friday 13 May 2016

Today you have to choose one of the following topics.

A hobby

Gender and sexism

A place you would like to visit

Write a minimum of 175 words plus 3 comments. Remember to orgnize your text.

Even though I find the three topics interesting, I will choose a hobby (thinking of a sport). 

I have always been a quite active person,however, sports are an issue for me. When I was little I did Olympic gymnastics and really enjoyed it. I also did synchronized swimming and realized I wasn't very synchronized :( so I quit.
My relationship with sports has been on and off, more off than on, I fear. In my adult life I have done aerobics, yoga, swimming, pilates and cycling. Swimming is something I really enjoy and I don’t know why I don’t do it very often. I used to go all the time. I hope  I'll go tomorrow and start training again.  The other activity I simply love is cycling .I used to come to Uni on the bike.After the winter I'll come on the bike again.  At the moment I only do Pilates but only  because of an injury I had. I still like it quite a bit.
I’d really like to motivate myself and do exercise every day because every time I do it I feel so good. One day I’ll get there. I truly believe meditation and sports are the best preventive medicine there is :)


  1. Wow, you do so many sports. I wolud like swiming too, I like so much and I don´t have time :,(

  2. Wow! You were and are so active! I hope you can motivate to yourself to continue whist this kind of healthy life :)

  3. You prefer the single sports:o
    The big variety is genial! And, like Ana says, they are necessary to keep a healthy life c:

  4. /o\ I like so much to swing, I prefer the free swim or backstroke, because I am not synchronized neither.
